Half of all children in Afghanistan must work so that their families can survive.

You can stop child labor and give back an education. Transform a child’s life by committing to donate just $1 per day.

Our Mission

To provide humanitarian assistance to at-risk women, children, and families in Afghanistan

Our Vision

  • To interview and develop individualized assistance plans per recipient
  • To address a specific need for each family by providing secure and direct cash assistance  
  • To promote human rights for underserved communities such as women, children, at-risk minorities, and people with disabilities

  • To create long-term, sustainable impacts in the areas of nutrition, health, education, and economic development

Our Programs

Masooma Hassan
Women's Fund

Health & Food Security

Supporting women and widows by addressing their nutritional, health, and survival needs. We provide personalized monthly stipends based on household size and food insecurity.


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Rustam Sultani
Youth Fund


Offering financial stipends for children aged 5-16, enabling them to escape child labor and focus on education. In return, we require their enrollment in school to secure a brighter future.


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Mahram & Ziagul
Business Grant Program

Economic Development

Empowering individuals with disabilities through business grants and resources, allowing them to harness their skills to create a sustainable income and provide for their families.


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Our Process

    Each individual and family are required to provide documentation to ensure qualification for our programs.
    Our team on the ground visits and interviews each family to determine their needs and assess their situation.
    A financial stipend is sent directly to the individual based on the assigned program, their needs, and household size.
    Within three to six months, our team completes a wellness check on each family.


Fundraise With Us

Together, we can play a role in addressing the humanitarian crisis directly by providing financial stipends and enabling at-risk youth, women, and families to move forward. 

Volunteer for our peer-to-peer fundraising campaign!